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COVID-19 Is Here To Stay: How Do We Respond?

Charlie Pruitt

Since March of 2020 the COVID-19 virus has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind globally as the world has struggled to come to find an effective care plan and come to grips with the virus. Because of its global impact, one would be hard pressed to find a person who has not been personally affected in some way by it. As we hit the one year mark since the first recorded appearance of the virus, it seems abundantly clear that the pandemic is going nowhere in the short-term future. In the United States, most recently, there have been calls by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for traditional Thanksgiving family gatherings. With COVID cases soaring across the United States and the world, there are valid reasons to be concerned for the upcoming holiday season, which many fear will only accelerate the spread of the virus.

We are in the fight against COVID-19 for the long hall; therefore, it is important that each and everyone of us is doing what we can to keep ourselves and others safe. Established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Americans have the right to safe and healthful working conditions. Safe and healthful working conditions can look different from industry to industry, but they all must be making a concerted effort to prevent employees from getting sick. The CDC recommends that all employees returning to work monitor their health and potential symptoms. Symptom tracking is an effective way to know if you have a fever or a scratchy throat since you are more mindful of how you feel day-to-day.

ACS Safe is here to partner with you in the fight against COVID-19 with our COVID logging tool. Our proven personal safety solution keeps an audit of each employee's daily temperature and can show you who has filled out the daily symptom tracker that ought to be customary in all businesses during the pandemic. In an essential business like cannabis that is providing care to the community during this time of heightened need, it is crucial that employees are given the best solutions available to ensure they are staying safe. If you would like to know more about ACS Safe and our work in the fight against COVID-19, feel free to contact us for a free 1-hour demo.


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